Category Archives: Web Site


2021 Reboot

Well, after having done better in 2020, the blog has once again gone silent and the website has languished for months without any kind of attention. What can I say? Life has been crazy lately […]


Adding Structure

While there are a lot of negative aspects to this whole Covid-19 quarantine and there are a lot of unknowns of what happens next that can seem scary and depressing, I have to admit there […]


2020 Vision

TransformationThe sun is getting high enough in the sky to start burning off the heavy fog that has enveloped the Morton Arboretum on Christmas Eve, 2019. I was struck by the sense of transformation when […]


Website Re-boot

Hello! Welcome to version two of my website. The original was never really shared very far or wide because I was never really happy with what I had created. Thankfully I’ve decided to have another go […]